This could be transformational both in Northern Kenya and other parts of Africa where the elephant is under major threat from ivory poachers. See this editorial from the Independent


Amol Rajan: The Independent : Saturday 30 November 2013

We need your help to protect elephants from the ivory trade
This newspaper shall be raising money to help combat that trade, and promote conservation in Africa

Last night, in the gilded surroundings of the Attlee Room in the House of Lords, we hosted a gathering in aid of our Christmas campaign, which this year runs in conjunction with a wonderful charity called Space for Giants, which does extraordinary work in protecting elephants threatened by the ivory trade.
I should say that I have a particular fondness for elephants, having spent a little time with them in India, the country of my birth. For Hindus – even lapsed ones – Ganesha, with an elephant head, is the god of knowledge. These deeply intelligent mammals have come under constant attack in Africa. In 2011, more African elephants were killed than in any other year.

This newspaper shall be raising money to help combat that trade, and promote conservation in Africa. So there’ll be plenty of fascinating campaign coverage next week.


Twitter: @amolrajan